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EMBody Radio

Feb 27, 2020

Time for some tough love ya'll. You know this comes from a place of love and knowing I want the best for you. I want to share the top 5 mistakes I see beginners and newbies making (some I also made when I first started too) so you can avoid those mistakes and save time and frustration with your fitness and nutrition...

Feb 20, 2020

Solo episode again today covering a topic near and dear to my heart. I am in the middle of my prep and getting messages and DM's saying that you potentially want to compete at some point as well, I needed to give it to you straight. I want you equipped with the knowledge and reality of what it takes to compete and place...

Feb 13, 2020

Sue B and Em D spilling tea back for another episode together! Last episode was all about training and this one is all about nutrition. From Peri-workout to stress to a NEAT explanation... of NEAT. You will absolutely love this episode. Topics covered include:


- What is “Good Nutrition?”

- Sue’s Dietary...

Feb 6, 2020

If this episode were to be summed up in three words, it would be "grow that ass." Sue Bush, wife of Alex Bush and close personal friend, is here today to discuss all about those glutes. Not only that but we cover quad work, using momentum wisely, and common misconceptions within training. Needless to say, as you can see...