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EMBody Radio

Jul 9, 2021

Oh wow. We're back for round 2 of the Em & Em podcast adventures. We're back with one of my best friends, Emily Cossin, for another episode on sex, love, relationships, and everything in between. We opened up a Q&A box on Instagram for you all to ask whatever you want, and guess what: 99.9% of all questions were pertaining to sex and relationships. So, we're talking about sex and relationships.

Here's what's on the menu:

-period sex (really starting off strong here)

-how to (should you?) hit on men at the gym, at the bar, etc.

-making sex more spiritual between you and your partner 

-does botox in your jaw interfere with botox (or having a small mouth) 

-Emily C's jaw warmup exercises

-negative and positive deal breakers in relationships 

-advice for going YEARS without sex because casual hookups aren't for you 

-rock bottom with relationships, men, and craving attention vs connection

-going from hating/avoiding being alone and single to thriving being alone and single

-the “scary” parts of letting someone new into your life romantically

-the “death” of singleness

-needing vs wanting someone

-why codependency sucks

-mismatched sex drives in a relationship

-the importance of feeling safe and supported in sex and relationships

-why we’re pretty and single

-navigating long distance relationships, particularly in the early stages of dating

-setting boundaries within long distance relationships

-butt stuff

-frequency of self-pleasure

-the clit sucker and the tongue (self-pleasure toys for the gals)

-the best lube in the world (and it’s all natural) and refresher wipes

-the most Taurus experience of my life (it involves said lube and silk pajamas)  

-morning vs night sex

-“surprise midnight penis”


-how Emily C cut her cl*t on accident

-are we into porn?

-how our childhoods shaped and influenced our relationships/thoughts on relationships and intimacy as adults

-best/worst sex

-having sex with the same person (not at the same time lmao)

-sexual etiquette in the bedroom

-did I shit on a dick?

-advice for finding yourself after moving to a new city

-rebuilding confidence after you’ve lost it


-developing emotional intelligence and intuition surrounding your own emotions and needs

-making friends and getting out of your comfort zone as an introvert

...what a journey.



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