Jan 7, 2021
I've talked about morning routines for, quite literally, years now. And every time I do, I get a zillion questions about mine, how to start one, what to do, etc. So, here it is: your guide to the Mind/Body/Soul morning, my personal method for starting every day on the best note possible. We're boosting your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, whether you have 5 minutes or a full hour. I've got your back! Dive into today's show to learn some tangible takeaways to create a morning routine that suits you and your life.
One winner will win a $250 gift card from Legion Athletics and a stack of CBD gel caps, a tincture of your choice, and Zen sleep support from Cured Nutrition. To enter:
-Head over to iTunes and leave a 5 start rating and WRITTEN review of the show. Be sure to leave your IG handle in the review so we can find you! Screenshot your review and send to hello@emilyduncanfitness.com
-Follow Cured Nutrition, Legion, and myself on IG
-That's it! We'll announce a winner in next week's episode.
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The #JackedNNerdyTrainer At Home Program
The #JackedNNerdyTrainer V I Program
The #JackedNNerdyTrainer V II Program