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EMBody Radio

Jun 20, 2019

Today's episode is a bit unconventional... we're here for a solo episode, and today I want to talk to you about mindfulness, and the power that becoming more mindful in my day to day has had on my life.

I know mindfulness is REALLY trendy right now, and I'm not here to teach you how to meditate and be super zen. All I want to do here is help you EXPERIENCE your life more and to your utmost capacity. 

So, the timeline of our lil chat today:

-what mindfulness means (technically)

-why mindfulness has become so important to me after the struggles I went through

-why I want to be so present in this journey

-examples of how mindfulness can improve your nutrition and training

-exercises I use to become more mindful in my day to day

I hope you guys enjoyed this and genuinely get something valuable from this episode. I want you to be fully present in your own life and live it, but also EXPERIENCE it.




