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EMBody Radio

Aug 23, 2018

TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS EPISODE: We discuss eating disorders, physically/emotionally abusive relationships, PTSD, and mental illness in this episode, so please be aware of that before listening. 

Today's guest is, to put it simply, a warrior. Mik Zazon has been through so much for such a young person, and she's all...

Aug 16, 2018

Blood flow restriction training, also known as occlusion training/BFR, has become increasingly popular in the fitness industry. Today's show features Kusha Karvandi, the man behind BFR Bands. Kusha has an extensive background as a trainer (over 10,000 hours with clients and over 20 nationally recognized certifications)...

Aug 9, 2018

The body positivity/#BOPO movement is becoming increasingly popular... One question that health professionals, myself included, have asked, is "Does promoting body positivity mean promoting obesity or unhealthy behaviors?" There's also a myriad of fitness influencers/personalities beginning to use body positivity...

Aug 3, 2018

Social media essentially runs our current world... And I don't really think it's going anywhere. To be honest, there are a TON of positives to social media! But, put it in the wrong hands, and it can go south reeeeeal quick. It gives anyone with a smartphone/computer/tablet the ability to speak freely,...

Aug 2, 2018

Do you struggle with your diet? Rather, do you struggle with STICKING to your diet? Today's guest is Dr. Kori Propst. Kori is a health psychologist at the Diet Doc and the Mental Edge program, where she works to uncover the motivation(s) behind and the mindset of eating. She helps clients work on what and HOW we...