Jun 20, 2019
Today's episode is a bit unconventional... we're here for a solo episode, and today I want to talk to you about mindfulness, and the power that becoming more mindful in my day to day has had on my life.
I know mindfulness is REALLY trendy right now, and I'm not here to teach you how to meditate and be super zen. All I...
Jun 13, 2019
On today's episode of EMBody Radio, I had the pleasure of sitting down with my good friend Nick Komodina. In a world full of people who aren't who they portray themselves to be online, Nick is the absolute opposite of that. I’ll allow Nick to introduce himself, but if there’s anything I can say about him, it’s...
Jun 6, 2019
After a lonnnnng time away, EMBody Radio is back. And I'd go so far as to say that it is back with a big bang. Today on the show, Joseph Sheehey returns for his second podcast on EMBody Radio. Joe is a human on a journey - a journey that has led him to some very dark places, and now on a journey to truly experience the...