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EMBody Radio

Jan 9, 2020

I'm back! After a lengthy absence, I'm back on my podcast game and have a tremendous show for you today! On my way to Miami for Nationals, I stopped by the University of South Flordia to interview Dr. Bill Campbell, an Exercise Science Professor and the Director of the Performance and Physique Enhancement Laboratory. Dr. Campbell recently finished a study looking at diet refeeds and was named the "weekday" diet. For my nerd community, you're going to love this one. Topics include:

- First Off, Apologies

- The Deal Going Forward

- Who is Bill Campbell and His Work

- Dr. Campbell’s Journey to Fitness and Postdoctorate

- Performance and Physique Enhancement Lab Creation

- First Study

- The Diet Refeed Study

- Short vs Long Diet Breaks

- Teaching Component to Macronutrient Tracking

- Participation Acquisition and the IRB

- Dropout Rate (50%)

- Increased Calories from Protein and Fat Gain

- 3 Best Practices for Fat Loss in Females

- Where to Find Dr. Campbell


Follow Dr. Campbell on Instagram!

Check out the Refeed Article on





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