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EMBody Radio

Aug 31, 2023

Oh, my younger self. A very convicted, committed, at times bullheaded sweet child. Today, we're diving into some of the advice I would give to my younger self in my personal life, my health and fitness, business, and my relationships. I know this is going to find someone that needs it.

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Aug 24, 2023

What is discipline really, and how can we realistically cultivate more of it? Is it really some militant force that we only deploy because we don't like ourselves, or is it possible for discipline to be an act of self love and self compassion? Let's dive in for one of my favorite topics of all time.

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Aug 17, 2023

We talk a lot about spirituality on this show, and today we're back with another spiritual power hour. Today, we're talking with Kash and Bec of the Messy Girl Hour podcast, and we're diving into all things spiritual journeys. All 3 of us are in different stages of our spiritual journeys with different backgrounds, and...

Aug 10, 2023

We've all been there - life comes at you fast, or mental health struggles hit, and you suddenly find yourself in the middle of an icky, sticky, mucky funk. Like you're in swamp. And that is decidedly... not the vibe. I found myself in a really high stress season this summer, and sure enough, funk was I in. My...

Aug 3, 2023

Let's cut to the chase: we're talking about why I went from sharing every detail of my life on the internet to barely sharing anything, the journey back to sharing more openly again, where my life is now, all the places and times I've moved in the last 18 months (lol), and all that jazz. Let's catch up. Fucking love...