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EMBody Radio

Oct 12, 2018

This episode serves as a capstone of sorts for the resources I've created surrounding breast implant associated health problems, more commonly known as "Breast Implant Illness." Today I had the pleasure of talking with board certified plastic surgeon and MY personal explant surgeon, Dr. Brian Lee, on all things breast implant issues. We talk about:

-His journey into the profession, and how his own struggle with psoriatic arthritis led him down a path that blended his knowledge as a surgeon with more holistic/full-systems healing

-How he got involved with the Breast Implant Illness community

-What Breast Implant Illness is

-Some potential causes of/triggers for health complications from breast implants

-How he learned about BII in his own patients

-The hot topic question of, "Will it happen to everyone with implants?"

-Whether or not he feared the success of his practice if he began explanting women and acknowledging BII

-Where the medical/surgical community and medical device community could use improvements for patient health as it relates to breast implants in the future

-So much more!

This conversation was truly a great one as Dr. Lee remains open minded and non-dogmatic around an issue that tends to polarize many. Find Dr. Lee here:





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