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EMBody Radio

Jan 28, 2021

It's a new year, which often means new year's fitness resolutions. I wanted to take some time in today's episode to talk about why continuing to under eat chronically may be making it harder, or actually impossible, for you to reach your fat loss goals. From the physiological to psychological, chronic under-feeding can...

Jan 14, 2021

Now more than ever with lockdowns happening worldwide, many people are spending more time alone than they normally do. For some people, this is really uncomfortable and scary. I wanted to record today's episode to talk through some of my own pivotal periods of solitude within my life that ultimately led to me becoming...

Jan 7, 2021

I've talked about morning routines for, quite literally, years now. And every time I do, I get a zillion questions about mine, how to start one, what to do, etc. So, here it is: your guide to the Mind/Body/Soul morning, my personal method for starting every day on the best note possible. We're boosting your physical,...