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EMBody Radio

Oct 31, 2019

Today, I have my good friend Hana on the podcast and she kicks ass in both the competing world and the e-commerce marketing world so no longer can you use the excuse that you don't have time. All kidding aside, Hana is very open and honest about her competing as we dive into PED's among so many other topics and I think...

Oct 24, 2019

I haven't had a Q&A for a while on the podcast so I thought today would be the perfect day! Definitely some great questions that I go into a lot of detail with both from a physiological and psychological perspective so you won't want to miss this one. Please let me know if you enjoy this format and I will continue to do...

Oct 17, 2019

If you are a Youtuber or aspiring Youtuber, have a desire to explore postdoctoral education, or... actually everyone will enjoy this no matter where you are at in life. My guest today is my good friend Stephanie Buttermore, host of the very popular Youtube channel Stephanie Buttermore Ph.D. 


Stephanie does not...

Oct 10, 2019

Do you want to be the best? Are you afraid of saying that out loud? My guest today has that exact mindset and confidence with the results to back it up. His name is Russel Orhii and he is the 2019 83KG IPF World Champion and world-record-holding powerlifter. Russel is someone who is as genuine and joyful in person as he...

Oct 3, 2019

When is the last time you cleaned your house? I will assume (hopefully) it was recently. Why don't we take this same action with our bodies on a regular basis? My guest today is the amazing Taylor Sappington and immediately when we got on the call we just started talking. It took about halfway through to realize I...