Oct 3, 2019
When is the last time you cleaned your house? I will assume (hopefully) it was recently. Why don't we take this same action with our bodies on a regular basis? My guest today is the amazing Taylor Sappington and immediately when we got on the call we just started talking. It took about halfway through to realize I hadn't introduced her yet but what we were talking about was so important and wide-ranging, I couldn't stop. I hope you find a lot of value out of this episode and use some of these practical tips Taylor shared with us. Topics covered today include:
- Informed Consent Misconceptions and Lack of Knowledge on Prescriptions
- Evolution of Stress and Cortisol
- Why Functional Detoxification is Essential
- Who Taylor Sappington Is
- Postpartum Depression Signs and Symptoms
- The 17 Year Research Evidence Separation
- Copper IUD and Copper Toxicity
- My Yeast Infection and Side Effects
- Essential Liver Care
- Bowel Movement and How to Increase Effectiveness
- Digestive Enzyme Supplements
- Gut Health Tips
- Where to Find Taylor
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